Increase and optimization of the use of L category electric vehicles for private entities.

Elviten is a project created by T Bridge, which promotes innovation, sustainability and urban mobility in Europe.

T Bridge aims to demonstrate the usefulness of electrified L-category vehicles (EL-V) for urban transport.

Sustainable urban transport

Elviten has studied replicable usage patterns, consisting of support services, ICT tools and policies, to increase the use of category L electric vehicles by private users:


  • bicycles;
  • scooter;
  • Tricycles;
  • quadricycles.

T Bridge provided a testing platform that allows the communication between solutions and access to users in an integrated logic, and an APP to manage the virtuous behaviours of users, record services, and create a system of reward to incentives, in a rewarding logic for Smart Cities’ citizens.

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16124 Genoa
Tel.: +39 010. 5769111
Fax: +39 010. 5531185


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